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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Try it and see for youself.


Don’t fail to read Psalm 51, Psalm 91 & Philippians 1:19

The prayer had been send to bring good luck, the original copy is in England, you will receive good luck within four days of receiving this letter, provided you send it out. This is no joke, you will receive good luck, send no money, it has no price, do not keep this letter, it must leave within 96 hours.

An officer received 1,131,000.0; Joe Walton received 117,000.00 and lost it because he broke the chain, while Philip Comor lost his wife six days after receiving this letter, but failed to circulate the letter. However, before his death, he received 177,775,000.00.

Please send 20 copies and see what happens in (4) days. This chain comes from Venezuela and Saint Anthony de camp missionary both in America, print 20 copies and send out to friends and associates.

Canalling Delin received the letter in 1953, he asked his secretary to make 20 copies and send them out. A few days letter he won a lottery of 112,000,000.00.
Calon Bowed, an officer employee received the letter and forged it and did not leave his hand within 96 hours, and he lost his job. Later he found it again and send 20 copies out and get better job. Dolias lugard received this letter and not believing, threw it away, 12 days later he died.

In 1987, the letter was send to a young woman in California, it was very laded, barely readable she promised that she would retype the letter and send it out, she was plagued with various problems, including expensive car repairs because the letter did not leave hand within 96 hours, however she retyped the letter as promised, mailed it and got a new car.

George Bush receive this letter, 2 days before November 3rd 1996. he send out 20 copies and became the American president, Johnson, Phodos Island, received letter and send out 20copies, 13 days letter, he inherit his properties.

Remember send no money and do not ignore this letter because it works. You must ensure that you do not break the chain.

Send copies to friends and relatives. I wish you good luck.



I’ve sat down to think about this, I’ve asked questions but got no answers, so I was wondering if you could help. The average African man feels let down by his leaders, we have lost our leaders in Africa, what we have today are not leaders, no. Africans would rather kill Mugabe than cry free Nelson Mandela. Where are those days when we fought for our leaders and cried for their freedom, today we would rather have them hung on the stakes, what is the cause of this?

Our deepest fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves ‘who am I to be brilliant, intelligent, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.’ Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do same.

SELF – BELIEF – Our greatest Challenge

America, I have heard is the world’s most powerful nation in the world, and I ask what is the yardstick for measuring greatness and power? Is it in wars, nuclear weapons, etc? To me, America today is the worst place to be in, with their dwindling economy, people loosing their jobs and all that, who would like to go to a land where all you do is sit like rotten vegetable? With our own mouth we call it a land of opportunities, really? Is it truly a land of opportunity? What of the country of your birth? I am not being bias here as I cannot fail to recognize that in the past America has lived up to its claim, my point therefore is that every country, every state, has greatness in her, some of us will not agree with this and I think in that lies our greatest challenge – self belief. Take my country Nigeria for example, we supply petroleum products, food, etc to these so called great countries yet we are called a third world nation, I agree with the term ‘developing nation’ but certainly not the third world nation clause, how can one of the life sources of the ‘great countries’ be of less importance to the one life is being supplied to? Noted, Nigeria in the past has been marred by corrupt practices, I guess that’s why self-righteous critics place her as one of the first ten most corrupt countries of the world. Let’s not forget that change is a constant force that governs the world and all those who dwell in this earth living or non-living must do its bidding, Nigeria is changing and rapidly too, the veils are falling off, we’re beginning to see clearly, its just a matter of time, we will soon climb the scale and we too will measure up with the so called world’s greatest. Give me a visa to any country to spend the rest of my life, I will take it just to go there to see things that my country can build on and become great, I can’t imagine myself spending my life in a foreign country, I love Nigeria, I believe strongly in her. I can’t stay out of my country and become too afraid because of some natural disaster.
Look closely at all the crimes perpetuated in this country, where did they all come from; is it not from the high and mighty countries? Listen, in not too long a time Nigeria like a young plant will blossom with soft new petals so beautiful its glory will be blinding but will give sight to those who believed in her, in her budding years. You just wait. Nigeria, right now needs more than just talking about her greatness, it needs our full participation, both in words and in deeds. I’ve heard people say that ‘na government property’ or ‘na my father house?’ Are you a Nigerian? Then it’s not government property but yours, the so called ‘government’ are there as stewards, caretakers of some sort, the real owners are you and I not them, in fact we constitute the so called ‘government,’ so lets treat and take everything in our possession as ours, with this in mind, we can really have a better Nigeria.

Recently I have discovered that Nigeria is the only place you can be the best as a Nigerian. We are developing as such there are opportunities for you and I to be the best. In the so called “God’s own country,” it is almost impossible to be the best, because in almost everything you think about, someone has set a record that it leaves you no room at the top to be the best.